Lagarostrobos franklinii (in the English linguistic area one uses the name Huon Pine or Macquarie Pine) is the only tree species in the monotypical kind Lagarostrobos from that the (Podocarpaceae).
The kind was ranked before the revision by C.J.Quinn 1982 among the kind Dacrydium.Lagarostrobos franklinii is domestic in Tasmanien. Their locations are to mountain-slopes close of the southern and western coasts because of river courses and moisten, in altitudes between 150 and 600 m NN. There is evergreen, pyramidal wachsende trees, which can reach stature heights of 21 to 30 m and master diameters from 70 to 100 cm. The crust is grey. The assimilation organs are not as with all Podocarpaceae needles, but narrow ledrige sheets. The are and only about 1 mm long. They look nearly like the sheets of Zypressen, clearest difference to it are the white Stomata on the back of the Lagarostrobos sheets. The very small taps sit at the end of the branches; they have only four to eight sheds. The roundish seeds have a diameter of only about 2 mm.
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